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Search found 6 matches for GamerGate

Topic: This just in! More girls are joining the gamer ranks!

Replies: 2
Views: 278

Search in: Industry News   Subject: This just in! More girls are joining the gamer ranks!    Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:54 pm

Topic: ‘Stand against’ Gamergate, says Canadian Prime Minister

Replies: 47
Views: 1306

Search in: Industry News   Subject: ‘Stand against’ Gamergate, says Canadian Prime Minister    Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:05 pm
Really hate that he was the best option. I supported him for a lot of the same reasons I support #GamerGate, I guess I'll need to make that more obvious now.
Topic: Vita owners of G7, is it worth getting a PS Vita?

Replies: 16
Views: 671

Search in: Help   Subject: Vita owners of G7, is it worth getting a PS Vita?    Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:18 am
Angelus wrote:
Teckno wrote:
Eyyy, Lykos, Stigma, Padders, Angie, whatchya think?

Vita is the best way to play PSone games, by far.  They look like shit on TV, but the Vita's small, crisp screen is great for them.  I'd say it's worth it just as a SuperPSone.  I like all the weeb games it gets, and some of the indies are good, but if you'rea mindless fraghead who only drinks overmilked garbage, you won't like it.  
I've only used Remote Play on the same internet connection, and it's great.  I wouldn't play fighting games online, but when testing it I just paused GTAV, went to the washroom, and continued almost seamlessly on my Vita.  It's pretty awesome.  
If you have PS+ anyways, and you've been stockpiling the Vita titles, you should have lots of fun stuff to play.  Even Uncharted: Golden Abyss, is my favurite of the series in terms of gameplay (though Marissa Chase ruins it).  If you can get a good deal on a Vita+MemCard, definitely take it.  Got my gf's Vita for $150 in almost new condition with an 32gb included at a pawn shop, and she's been a hardcore weeb gamergirl ever since. She's two steps away from using #GamerGate.  
I'd recommend it.  If nothing else, it'll help satisfy your lolicon needs.

This much and also include psp titles on top.

Personally, I would avoid the vita memory card deals you see at major retailers like 4GB plus 4 downloadable games since they leave no room left for anything else you might want to download.
Topic: Vita owners of G7, is it worth getting a PS Vita?

Replies: 16
Views: 671

Search in: Help   Subject: Vita owners of G7, is it worth getting a PS Vita?    Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:12 am
Teckno wrote:
Eyyy, Lykos, Stigma, Padders, Angie, whatchya think?

Vita is the best way to play PSone games, by far. They look like shit on TV, but the Vita's small, crisp screen is great for them. I'd say it's worth it just as a SuperPSone. I like all the weeb games it gets, and some of the indies are good, but if you'rea mindless fraghead who only drinks overmilked garbage, you won't like it.

I've only used Remote Play on the same internet connection, and it's great. I wouldn't play fighting games online, but when testing it I just paused GTAV, went to the washroom, and continued almost seamlessly on my Vita. It's pretty awesome.

If you have PS+ anyways, and you've been stockpiling the Vita titles, you should have lots of fun stuff to play. Even Uncharted: Golden Abyss, is my favurite of the series in terms of gameplay (though Marissa Chase ruins it). If you can get a good deal on a Vita+MemCard, definitely take it. Got my gf's Vita for $150 in almost new condition with an 32gb included at a pawn shop, and she's been a hardcore weeb gamergirl ever since. She's two steps away from using #GamerGate.

I'd recommend it. If nothing else, it'll help satisfy your lolicon needs.
Topic: Tim Schafer makes an Ass of himself at GDC

Replies: 5
Views: 482

Search in: Industry News   Subject: Tim Schafer makes an Ass of himself at GDC    Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:21 pm
Seemed more like he was making fun of gamergate.

Nvm, lol

Quote :
Finding time away from developing games, Tim has recently attended the Game Developers Conference over in the U.S.A where he was given a chance to chat on stage as himself and controlling a literal sockpuppet. While this would be all well and good under normal conditions, right now there is a bit of a cultural backlash against abusive behaviour and blatant corruption in the gaming industry. Some of you readers will have heard about it as something called #GamerGate, and whether or not it’s a hate group, or a legitimate push isn’t the point of this article. Instead we’ll be looking at the #NotYourShield hashtag, which is filled with ‘minorities’ (we hate this term, what is a minority? I mean, in Africa, is an African a minority? What about in China? Is a Chinese person a minority?), minorities that are fed up with game journalists and game developers pretending that they don’t exist and/or using them as a shield to deflect valid criticisms by labeling all gamers as white basement dwellers. And ‘minorities’ are clearly not white at the very least.
Topic: Should women be allowed to play videogames online?

Replies: 55
Views: 4157

Search in: Debate Section   Subject: Should women be allowed to play videogames online?    Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:51 pm
LaraCroftGoddess wrote:
Yes, woman should be allowed to played video games online it a hobby and video games aren't just made for boys anymore  and lighten up to whoever gets offended that girls are playing video games.

This entire thread was mostly a joke, lol. We were making fun of people who live and breathe this stuff, and the #Gamergate crazies as well. Don't take threads by Orion too seriously, they're just for fun.
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