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 Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth

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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2011 11:50 pm

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Insomniac360

Quote :
It's true that Insomniac is no longer part of the PlayStation family, but Sony says it "ain't the end of the world."

In speaking with OPM UK, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe President and CEO Jim Ryan spoke about losing the Resistance developer as an exclusive PlayStation team. Remember, Insomniac did nothing but support the PlayStation brand since 1996, and we all remember the great Ratchet & Clank series as well as the Resistance franchise this generation.

But Insomniac recently struck out on its own and announced their first multiplatform project, Overstrike, which will come to both the PS3 and Xbox 360. And while Ryan admits Sony would still want Insomniac under their umbrella, he still said Sony is doing just fine without them. They're still friends but given the "strength of Sony's internal studios at the moment," Ryan says losing Insomniac "ain't the end of the world by any means." Well, that's understandable.

But we still say, the more exclusive projects, the better. It gives teams a chance to focus on one platform and in general, we get that extra level of polish, refinement, and in some cases, innovation. By the way, where the heck is more info on Overstrike? What happened to that game after it was announced...? What's going on?

Source: PSX
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Stature : 11

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 2:53 am

I don't think Sony needs to really worry about the quantity for first party titles they have at this point.
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Final Boss, 5th Form
Final Boss, 5th Form

Stature : 109
Playing : Nioh and Nier: Automata
Watching : 日本のアニメ

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 8:12 am

Well, Insomniac makes great games. This way, more people will be able to play those great games.
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The Judge
The Judge

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  0Qsw2y9
Stature : 88

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 9:59 am

My question to Sony is Why haven't you bought them yet?
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Boss Spawn
Boss Spawn

Stature : 179
From Hell
Playing : Resistance 3, Deus Ex, Max Payne 3, Uncharted 3

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 11:49 am

Well its good for Insomniac since they will have a whole new userbase to cater to but damn...they've done nothing but good work for Sony and they were just let go like that.
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Grunt Leader
Grunt Leader

Stature : 21

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 2:25 pm

chobo500 wrote:
My question to Sony is Why haven't you bought them yet?

They didn't want to be bought.
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Founding Father
Founding Father

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
Stature : 264
Playing : Tu madre

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 2:43 pm

The more people who get to play their games, the merrier.
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Boss Spawn
Boss Spawn

Stature : 17
Playing : Atleast we haz online

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 10:39 pm

Considering R&C isn't as good as it was last gen and the fact that Resistance isn't much of a competitor in the sea of shooters we have this gen, they're not a big loss.

I still don't get how they "lost" them though, if they never had them to begin with. IIRC they can still develop PS3 exclusives along side multiplatform games as an independent studio. I mean seriously. Hello? Epic Games? Remedy?
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Boss Spawn
Boss Spawn

Stature : 179
From Hell
Playing : Resistance 3, Deus Ex, Max Payne 3, Uncharted 3

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2011 5:24 am

They lost them in the way that a girl you have as a fuck buddy is now dating another guy...sure you can still fuck her but you are sharing her with another dick.
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Jack the Spectre
Post-Game Enemy
Post-Game Enemy
Jack the Spectre

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  XidKdMN
Stature : 309
New York
Playing : With myself

Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2011 9:12 am

That's an interesting way of putting it. Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  725796345
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PostSubject: Re: Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth    Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth  I_icon_minitime

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Sony Regrets Losing Insomniac But Soldiers Forth
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