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 Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE

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3 posters
Post-Game Enemy
Post-Game Enemy

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE PaKTSrO
Stature : 187
Playing : The Last of Us.
Watching : The Flash.

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PostSubject: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2015 7:46 pm

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE ?format=750w

Quote :
Just in time for Comic Con. Some Marvel news to drop before the con gets going.

According to my sourcing here in Los Angeles, the rumor I'm hearing is that Rachel McAdams, currently starring in the second season of True Detective, has been offered the female lead in Marvel's upcoming Doctor Strange. Scott Derrickson is directing the film based on the screenplay by Jon Sphaits. Benedict Cumberbatch is headlining as the Sorcerer Supreme.

Stay tuned as more develops and I will update the story as I find out more.

Before he met the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange was an unlikeable egotistical neurosurgeon. Everything changes when a car accident limits Strange's use of his hands, sending him on a maddening quest for a miracle cure. This origin story introduces the magical and mystical realms of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I don't remember her in anything, but I know she's in Southpaw.
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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2015 4:35 am

She was in The Hot Chick, The Notebook, Red Eye, Sherlock Holmes, etc.
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Post-Game Enemy
Post-Game Enemy

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE PaKTSrO
Stature : 187
Playing : The Last of Us.
Watching : The Flash.

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2015 11:29 am

Never seen any of those.
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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2015 10:47 pm

She's a DC fangirl. ;-)
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Post-Game Enemy
Post-Game Enemy

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE PaKTSrO
Stature : 187
Playing : The Last of Us.
Watching : The Flash.

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 28, 2015 10:54 pm

Get the fuck on it WB! Start the vertigo shared universe at new line!
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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2015 5:33 pm

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Final Boss, 5th Form
Final Boss, 5th Form

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE Z4pMElY
Stature : 414

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2015 5:57 pm

Excited to see her in a potentially great role, considering her acting is pretty good. Her previous roles have been quite generic, to say the least, though.
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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2015 6:09 pm

Can we at least have one Marvel film without a love interest? Black Panther maybe? Considering the fact that Fox owns the rights to Black Panther's wife.
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Final Boss, 5th Form
Final Boss, 5th Form

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE Z4pMElY
Stature : 414

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2015 6:12 pm

Mecha wrote:
Can we at least have one Marvel film without a love interest? Black Panther maybe? Considering the fact that Fox owns the rights to Black Panther's wife.

You could say the same about DC so far.
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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2015 6:29 pm

@RamboOnRedBull But DC love interests are more iconic though.
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Final Boss, 5th Form
Final Boss, 5th Form

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE Z4pMElY
Stature : 414

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2015 6:54 pm

Mecha wrote:
@RamboOnRedBull But DC love interests are more iconic though.

So Marvel shouldn't explore and flesh out their love interests because they're not big enough yet? That's dumb.
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Post-Game Enemy
Post-Game Enemy

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE PaKTSrO
Stature : 187
Playing : The Last of Us.
Watching : The Flash.

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2015 7:18 pm

RamboOnRedBull wrote:
Mecha wrote:
@RamboOnRedBull But DC love interests are more iconic though.

So Marvel shouldn't explore and flesh out their love interests because they're not big enough yet? That's dumb.
It's Mecha, Rambo.

As for the news... Awesome! I enjoyed her in Southpaw even though she had a "small" role in the film.
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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2015 7:27 pm

@RamboOnRedBull I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is that do we really need a love-interest for every superhero movie? I mean, fuck, Marvel even forced Black Widow to be Hulk's love-interest in The Avengers: Age of Ultron for Christ sake.
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Final Boss, 5th Form
Final Boss, 5th Form

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE Z4pMElY
Stature : 414

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 7:15 am

Mecha wrote:
@RamboOnRedBull I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is that do we really need a love-interest for every superhero movie? I mean, fuck, Marvel even forced Black Widow to be Hulk's love-interest in The Avengers: Age of Ultron for Christ sake.

Then why does DC get a free-pass, then? Surely, if it's every superhero movie that we're talking about, Marvel isn't the only one to complain about.
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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 8:30 am

@RamboOnRedBull DC hasn't put out as many films as Marvel did yet and besides, where do you see the typical love-interest in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad? Yeah, there is Lois Lane, but like I said, she is an iconic character. Without her fanboys would start bitching. But I doubt people would start bitching over the lack of Jane in future Thor movies. Again, I'm not saying Marvel should stop having love-interest in their movies. My point is that sometimes it feels forced.
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Final Boss, 5th Form
Final Boss, 5th Form

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE Z4pMElY
Stature : 414

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 8:42 am

Mecha wrote:
@RamboOnRedBull DC hasn't put out as many films as Marvel did yet and besides, where do you see the typical love-interest in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad? Yeah, there is Lois Lane, but like I said, she is an iconic character. Without her fanboys would start bitching. But I doubt people would start bitching over the lack of Jane in future Thor movies.

So if a character isn't already well-known that means storytellers shouldn't establish them more in future projects, then?

Again, I'm not saying Marvel should stop having love-interest in their movies. My point is that sometimes it feels forced.

Your first argument was, actually, the opposite:

Quote :
Can we at least have one Marvel film without a love interest?

To which, after I told you that DC does the same, you responded with "But Marvel's aren't as iconic". Which is a pretty dumb reason to not explore and establish relationships that people haven't seen before.
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Certified IGN Reposter
Certified IGN Reposter

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE R5MQPRE
Stature : 194

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 9:04 am

@RamboOnRedBull There goes twisting my words again. That's the only way you know how to win in an argument. Yes, I said Marvel should have at least one movie without a love-interest. ONE. I didn't say they should completely stop having a love-interest in every movie all together. Marvel can get away without having a love-interest in one of their movies, because the general audience don't know the property well enough to even care. That's what I meant about Marvel not having as many iconic characters. It's more of an advantage than disadvantage if anything. I might sound like I'm contradicting myself later on, because a lot of obscure Marvel characters are indeed important. But so far in the Marvel films, the love-interest just feels forced at times.
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Final Boss, 5th Form
Final Boss, 5th Form

Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE Z4pMElY
Stature : 414

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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 9:23 am

Mecha wrote:
@RamboOnRedBull There goes twisting my words again. That's the only way you know how to win in an argument.

I only quoted you by your own words, so if that's twisting yor arugments, then it goes to show how lousy arguments you have.

Yes, I said Marvel should have at least one movie without a love-interest. ONE. I didn't say they should completely stop having a love-interest in every movie all together.

I never said that you did, but okay.

Marvel can get away without having a love-interest in one of their movies, because the general audience don't know the property well enough to even care. That's what I meant about Marvel not having as many iconic characters.

That doesn't mean they shouldn't use them. If anything, it gives Marvel the freedom to explore relationships that people haven't seen being done. Which is something that SHOULD be used instead of the typical, standard ways of only doing what's already been done.

It's more of an advantage than disadvantage if anything. I might sound like I'm contradicting myself later on, because a lot of obscure Marvel characters are indeed important. But so far in the Marvel films, the love-interest just feels forced at times.

Completely different argument than the one you first used.
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PostSubject: Re: Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE   Rachel McAdams Offered Lead Female Role In DOCTOR STRANGE I_icon_minitime

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